When the power goes out in Flint, MI, your standby electrical generator will be ready.
A neighborhood power outage can happen at any time. Statistics show that most outages are caused by strong storms, but your home could also lose power due to high winds, equipment failures down the line, peak use delivery interruptions and a host of other unanticipated failures of the system.
If you depend solely on the power grid to keep your home powered, you're rolling the dice with your family's safety and security. Just think about it: when the power goes off, your home goes dark. Your refrigerator becomes an ice box, just like the ones your grandparents told you about. Your security system goes down, as does your internet connection - and once your cell phone batteries drain there's no way to charge them again.
You're left with this dilemma: hunker down and wait out the restoration of power by your utility service (and who knows how long that will take), or abandon your home and move your family to temporary living quarters, at considerable expense. Meanwhile, your home remains at the mercy of anyone who wanders by with a brick big enough to break out a window.
Don't let power outages happen to you!
A residential electrical generator from Advance Contracting and Electrical Services can help you overcome just such an occurrence. Our Flint, MI, standby power supply experts are authorized factory installers of the trusted Generac line of backup generators. With a range of output options available, the Advance Consulting pros can set you up with a generator to power only your essential systems or one that will take care of your whole-house needs for hours, days, or weeks at a time - providing 24/7 electricity to your home so you can safely weather the storm, and the outage that follows.
How a Backup Generator Works
A reliable standby generator like the ones installed and serviced by Advance Contracting in Flint, MI, is simple to use once it's set up at your property. In fact, when the electrical grid goes down, you don't have to do a thing: your Generac unit kicks in automatically, restoring power to your home without any action taken on your part.
Our home standby electrical generators for Flint, MI, run on LP or natural gas, and can be quickly converted on site to operate on either fuel source. Call the electrical generator experts at Advance Contracting and Electrical today for more information: (810) 630-6334.